For us at PIM, we strongly believe that “Our Students’ Success is a testament to Our Success”. The primary goals of the WBE Model are to enhance students’ learning experience and to ensure that graduates are “Ready to Work” in professional settings upon the day of their graduation and meet the quality expectations of employers. We cannot claim success if students are not happy with their learning experience. We cannot claim success if students are not Ready to Work upon their graduation. We cannot claim success if PIM graduates do not meet the quality expectations of their employers. Therefore, these are the indicators to evaluate the success of WBE Model.
Note: The academic year runs from August 1st to July 31st of the following year.
Source of reference: Office of Research and Development, PIM
PIM regularly surveys our students each academic year to assess their satisfaction with the learning experience under the WBE Model and to identify areas for improvement. The feedback collected is then used to continuously enhance the teaching and learning process. According to Graph 1, on average, over 80% of PIM students were satisfied with their learning experiences under the WBE Model over the past five academic years, except in 2020, which was the first year of the COVID-19 outbreak. After the institute adjusted the implementation of the WBE Model to align with the conditions of the pandemic, student satisfaction with the learning experience under the WBE Model has continuously increased since 2021.
It is meaningless if our graduates do not secured employment and get suitable salary after graduation because WBE Model cannot ensure that they are Ready-to-Work. Hence, the employment rate, monthly salary rate, and average time to employment of our Bachelor’s degree graduates are three impactful indicators for our WBE Model.
From Graph 2, it is evident that over 94% of PIM graduates secured employment within one year after graduation, except in the academic year 2021, when the Thai economy was still impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Moreover, PIM’s employment rate has consistently surpassed the national average for every academic year.
Note: The academic year runs from August 1st to July 31st of the following year.
Source of reference for PIM Data: Office of Research and Development, PIM
Source of reference for National Average Data: Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation, Thailand. (2023 Data will be available around this December)
Note: The academic year runs from August 1st to July 31st of the following year.
Source of reference for PIM Data: Office of Research and Development, PIM
Source of reference for National Average Data: Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation, Thailand.
Graph 3 further shows that the average salary of PIM Bachelor’s degree graduates has been higher than the national average for the past five academic years, despite the economic downturn in 2020 (the onset of COVID-19) and the slowdown in 2023.
Additionally, as shown in Graph 4, since 2020, over 70% of PIM graduates have secured employment from before graduation to within two months after graduation, with 88.94% achieving employment within two months in 2023.
Note: The academic year runs from August 1st to July 31st of the following year.
Source of reference for PIM Data: Office of Research and Development, PIM
Employers are the best judges of whether our graduates are truly Ready-to-Work upon graduation. Therefore, we survey them every year to confirm our graduates’ quality.
Note: The academic year runs from August 1st to July 31st of the following year.
Source of reference for PIM Data: Office of Research and Development, PIM
The data indicates that employer satisfaction with PIM graduates has shown a consistent upward trend over the past five academic years (refer to Graph 5).
Furthermore, when employers were asked to compare the work performance of PIM graduates with that of graduates from other universities who began employment at the same time, over 80% of employers, on average, rated PIM graduates as outperforming their peers throughout the past five academic years (refer to Graph 6).
Note: The academic year runs from August 1st to July 31st of the following year.
Source of reference for PIM Data: Office of Research and Development, PIM